Sunday, February 7, 2010

Former CHC Hospital employee admits using "ice", and barely escapes machete attack

Unbelievable story in Mvariety

All I can say is wow. Completely unbelivable. It was previously reported that Thomas Asack (I assume that is the same person) was planning on filing suit because he had not received his housing allowance, and had resigned because of that. It appears that there may have been other issues involved in his resignation. I don't put a lot of stock into the comments of the Mvariety, but someone wrote "I don't work at CHC but have heard reports of this individuals drug use for years. It was common knowledge at CHC. But nobody did a thing..."

If the report from Thomas Asack himself is true, the island really needs to take a look at the "ice" problem and may want to try to develop a rehab program to assist people in getting off the drug. Obviously strange things seem to happen when drugs are involved and people are not thinking clearly.

One thing about the article that seemed a little stange was that Asack's backpack was taken and there was no report of theft. What exactly was in the backpack, and did Asack have some of Cristosomo's "property"?

From the Saipan Tribune Article on Feb 5th, 2010. "The suspect stood in front of the vehicle and swung the machete, damaging the hood's front right portion. Crisostomo then allegedly moved to the driver's side and swung the machete, damaging the top left portion of the front windshield. The driver-motorist drove the car to McDonald's parking lot where they called police for assistance. When Asack returned to his scooter, he found that his backpack was missing."


Anonymous said...

thomas asack is a jehovah witness man. he gets away with anything.

Anonymous said...

thomas asack is a jehovah witness man. he gets away with anything.

Anonymous said...

thomas asack is able to manipulate just about anyone, except God. He is able to remove the word bisexual in the Marianas Variety article on the website, Zaldy Dandan is his friend.
Thomas Asack is also a Pedophile towards girls and boys when he is so high on ICE. He molested a few boys in San Antonio Village on the Island of Saipan back in 2005. He should know better by now to stay away from the Philippines, Thailand, and China, the Entire Asian area.

journey2md said...

Is there any proof to these allegations? I'm not really big on rumors.